Lime Stone​


Our Landscaping Pavers, on the other hand, are 40mm thick and are ideal for use in pathways and pools-capes.

Both types of pavers are made from reconstituted limestone, giving them a natural beauty that sets them apart from competitors. In addition to their attractive appearance, reconstituted limestone pavers offer a number of advantages over other options. They are durable and resistant to staining and deterioration from water and chemicals, as well as resistant to white mould and efflorescence. The latex and sealants used in the limestone blend also inhibit rising damp.

Another unique feature of our pavers is their ability to stay cool to the touch, even on hot summer days. This is because they are formulated to absorb less heat than other pavers, making them safer for use around pools and in outdoor spaces.

Safety is a top priority for us, and our pavers are slightly porous to help prevent slipping when wet. To ensure that your pavers retain this important safety feature, it’s important to consult with a one of our representative before applying any additional sealers.

Our pavers are available in a range of colours, finishes, sizes, and thicknesses, so you can find the perfect option for your specific application.

Cladding Lime Stone​

Cladding Pavers are our thinnest option, with a thickness of just 20mm. They are suitable for use in vertical applications or in areas with low intensity or low foot traffic.

Bull-nosing Lime Stone​

Our dedicated manufacturing plant is able to accurately produce a huge range of bull-nosing profiles in all materials. In addition to the standard bull-nose range we have developed a range of 16 custom bull-nose profiles to put the perfect finishing touch to your landscaping or pool surround project.

Profiles can be manufactured in reconstituted limestone or any of our natural stone range.
Whatever your requirement, Prime stone bull-nosing adds the perfect finishing touch to your landscaping or pool surround.


Prime-stone reconstituted limestone products are available in a range of colours and finishes to enhance your outdoors:

